Veterans Day Assembly and American Flag Retired

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Goshen Elementary School held a very special assembly to honor some of our Veterans from the Santaquin and Goshen area. The Veterans told the wars that they had fought in and Commander Ted Jones, shared a moving rememberance of our flag and the love we have for our country. At the end of the assembly students silently followed the Veterans outside for a respectful and solemn flag burning ceremony. During the burning of the flag, taps was played in honor of those Veterans who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

Anti Drug and Bully Week

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Students at Goshen Elementary recently shared a week learning about being Drug Free and being a Anti –Bully school.  The Student Council planned a fun week of activities that included red and purple anti drug and bully colors day, wear sun glasses day to Shade Out Drugs, a Black Day to black out drugs, and a Crazy Hair Day. As a culminating activity the whole school launched red and purple balloons into the air over Goshen.

3rd Grade Students Receive Dictionaries

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The 3rd grade students received free dictionaries to have and use while they are at school. The students will then be allowed to take the books home for their future studies at the end of the school year. 

The Goshen Elementary 3rd grade students would like to thank Elite Yoshukai Karate in Santaquin and Linn Wright for the wonderful dictionaries that are greatly appreciated.