Snack Attack Fundraiser FAQs

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Q: When does the fundraiser end?

A:  All orders for our fundraiser must be returned to the school by MONDAY, MARCH 12th.

Q:  What if I haven't seen the catalog, or my child has lost the catalog?

A:  Don't worry!  Come to the office to get a new one.

Q:  What is the fundraiser for?

A:  The money raised in this year's fundraiser will go directly to the teachers for the supplies they need to finish out the year.

Half Day Monday

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Don't Forget that Monday, March 5th is a District Half Day so teachers can attend some trainings.  School will get over at NOON on this day, and the students will be excused at this time.  Lunch will be served 1 hour earlier than usual.

Kindy 500

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

ATTN Kindergarten Parents!  The Kindy 500 will be coming to Goshen School on Monday, March 5th!  ALL Kindergarten Students (AM & PM) will bring their cars to school Monday Morning and drive them through the school at 9:15.  Afterwards, they will get a chance to learn about our great country through lots of fun activities!  ALL students will be excused from school at NOON that day.  More information will be coming from the Kindergarten teachers.  If you have any questions, contact your Kindergartener's teacher. 

Dates to Remember

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Here are some important dates to remember...

February 28th-6th Grade Day at Mt. Nebo Jr. High

March 2nd-Dental Varnishing (PLEASE send ALL permission slips either marked YES or NO back to school!)

March 5th-Early Out Day (Students dismissed at NOON)

March 5th-Kindy 500 (Watch for more information on this from the Kindergarten Teachers)

March 7th-Spring Pictures (Pre-Pay ONLY!)

March 7th-4th Grade Symphony Trip

March 12th-6th Grade Parents & Pastries

March 12th-Snack Attack Fundraiser ends

Dr. Suess Week

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

In celebration of Dr. Seuss' birthday, Goshen School will be having a spirit week starting Monday, February 26th.  Below you will find the schedule of dress up days:

Monday 2/26: Fox in Socks Day--Wear mismatched socks today!

Tuesday 2/27:  Whoville Day--Crazy Hair Day

Wednesday 2/28:  Cat in the Hat Day--Wear a Hat

Thursday 3/1:  Dress as your favorite Dr. Seuss Character

Friday 3/2:  Green Eggs & Ham Day--Wear Green (The lunchroom will be serving Green Eggs & Ham for lunch this day).