Veteran's Day Program

Submitted by l.degraffenried on

This evening our second and sixth graders presented their annual Veteran's Day Program.  Through song they honored our veterans past and those serving currently. 

The evening was extra-special when Sergeant First Class Eric Cassity surprised his family.  He has been stationed in South Korea for the past year.  He was to return home on November 20th.  The army gave him special permission to return home early and surprise his family tonight.  

Education Fair

Submitted by l.degraffenried on

November 7th was our Education Fair.  Categories were Literature, Math, Science and Social Studies.  Students could enter any category they wanted.   Our judges were impressed with our students and their presentations! Our Grand Champion winner from last year helped to present the awards to our students.

Halloween Parade

Submitted by l.degraffenried on

We had a great Halloween Parade! We enjoyed seeing all of the costumes.  A special thank you to the parents that helped with classroom parties.  We couldn't have done it without you!

Halloween Parade

Submitted by l.degraffenried on

We had a great Halloween Parade! We enjoyed seeing all of the costumes.  A special thank you to the parents that helped with classroom parties.  We couldn't have done it without you!