Teacher Spotlight: Allie Brinkerhoff

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

This week's teacher spotlight is Allie Brinkerhoff.  Miss Brinkerhoff is the OEK Kindergarten teacher at Goshen, and this is her first year teaching.  She says that her favorite thing about teaching so far is seeing the look in her students' eyes when something "clicks" and they understand.  

Here are some interesting facts about Miss Brinkerhoff:

Kimball Arts Center Visit

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Kimball Arts Center from Park City came and visited our 5th and 6th graders and taught them about hydrophobic art (art that doesn't show up until it's wet) and then did a fun art project with them.  Thank you to Mrs. Valerio and the Kimball Arts Center for putting this together for our students!  They really had a lot of fun.

Faculty Spotlight: Brittainy Thornton

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Because we have so many new faculty members this year, we are going to spotlight one faculty member each week.  This week's teacher is Brittiany Thornton.  She is our 1/2 Day Kindergarten Teacher, and this is her first year teaching.  Before she became a teacher here, she did a lot of subbing for the school district.  She also did her student teaching at Santaquin Elementary.  She says that her favorite thing about working at Goshen Elementary is seeing the kids everyday.  

Here are a few interesting facts about Ms. Thornton:

Agenda for October SCC

Submitted by l.degraffenried on

Goshen School’s School Community Council
Agenda for Oct. 7th, 2015
1. Open Public Forum
2. Safe Technology
3. Review of our school’s testing results from last year.
4. Discuss - School Improvement Plan Goal #1. about reading.
5. Open discussion – ideas – concerns – suggestions

***Note: Review goal #2 (Math) on this year’s School Improvement Plan and come to our next meeting (Nov. 4th,) prepared to discuss any changes, deletions, or additions that you’d like to make to that
goal for next year!

And the Winner Is....

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Facebook contest!  We went from having just over 150 likes on our Facebook page to having over 450 likes!  The class that reveived the most likes was Mrs. Openshaw's 6th grade class.  They will be enjoying a pizza party on Friday afternoon.  Thanks again for everyone who participated.

Debbie Hudson receives 2015-2016 PEAK award

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

For the students of Goshen Elementary, lunch is a favorite time of day!  One of the reasons why is because they get to see Debbie Hudson.  She has been the lunch clerk at our school for 18 years, and she received the PEAK award for our school this year.  PEAK awards are given to Positive Energy and Kind employees. PEAK Awards are nominated by patrons and recognized by the Superintendent Staff and Nebo School Board of Education.  Faculty and staff members are nominated by anyone in the community through the Nebo School District website.

Which Class "Likes" Goshen Elementary the Most?

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

We are having a contest between all of the classes to see who "likes" our Facebook page the most.  Your child will be bringing home a contest page to record how many of your family members "like" Goshen's Facebook page.  This is a great time to get any family members involved that might be interested in keeping up with what is happening at school, including grandparents, aunts, uncles etc.  All you have to do is tally up those in your circle that has "LIKED" our page and put that number in the box.

Mrs. Oberg Honored at Nebo District's Opening Meeting

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Last year, Mrs. Oberg received the 2014-2015 PEAK (Positive Energy and Kind) award for our school, and was honored at this summer's Nebo School District opening institute for all employees.  Thank you SO much to Mrs. Oberg for all she does for our school!  She helps make everything run so smoothly!  She is definitely the backbone of our school!