Basketball With Mr. Atkin

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

What do we do in Goshen when it's rainy outside and school hasn't started yet? We challenge Mr. Atkin to a game of basketball, of course! The kids don't mind being inside if it means taking on the principal, and he is such a great sport! We are so lucky to have Mr. Atkin leading our school!

Goshen Elementary Invited to the District School Board Meeting

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Goshen Elementary was invited to this month's the Nebo School District School Board meeting. To open up the meeting, 5th grader, Jovi Judd let the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. Atkin then told the board about some of the awesome things that our school and students have been doing, including our students outperforming 109 more schools in 2022 than we did in 2021 and that Goshen is the 13th most improved school in the state of Utah this year according to the Rise test. 

Payson High Teams Up With Goshen's 3rd Graders

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Goshen's 3rd grade teamed up with Payson High School's English class to read 600 minutes in November! Over 90% of the third graders achieved the goal. To celebrate, the high schoolers planned and carried out a celebration, including a cereal bar and prizes. Thank you to Payson High and PBS Kids Utah for the challenge, encouragement, and celebration. And a big thank you to the parents for supporting the 3rd graders in this big goal!

Goshen Students Decorate Christmas Trees

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Our students were asked by Goshen City to make ornaments to decorate the Christmas Trees at the city park for the annual Christmas Tree Lighting. Each grade decorated their ornaments in a similar way, and then on Thursday, walked over to the park to place them on the trees that each grade was assigned. They will be on display for the entire Christmas season, and everyone is invited to come walk through the display and look at the fun ornaments everyone made.

PTA Thanksgiving

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

The staff at Goshen School would like to extend a huge THANK YOU to our awesome PTA for feeding us a delicious Thanksgiving lunch today. We were fed turkey, ham and all of the fixings. We really appreciate all of the hard work and dedication from the PTA this year!


Veteran's Day Assembly

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

The 2nd graders at Goshen Elementary have been working hard to learn some patriotic songs, and learn speaking parts for their annual Veteran's Day Assembly. They performed their program for the school and parents on Friday November 11th (Veteran's Day) and Monday November 14th. They did such a great job at honoring those brave men and women that have fought, and continue to fight for our country. As one of their songs state: "Thank you military, our country's proud of you! We are all so grateful for everything you do!" 

PTA Movie Night a Success!

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Our PTA put on a great party Monday night. Parents and students had a great time. The PTA was able to sell out almost everything they brought and we got to visit and build our Goshen family ties. Mr. Atkin brought his wife and five kids to help with the face painting and they were busy all evening brightening the smiles of students in the school. It was a super fun activity. We want to thank the PTA for their support of the school and the Parents for Supporting our PTA. It truly is an oasis out here in Goshen. "One Home One Family"

Goshen PTA Serves Lunch

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Our amazing PTA helped us celebrate Hispanic Heritage month last month. They made the teachers delicious food and had a fun contest during lunch. They Had a glass Jar full of Mexican candy and teachers got to guess how many pieces of candy were in the jar. The winner received a gift certificate and the candy, and the second-place winner got a gift certificate. Mrs. Larson won first place and Mrs. Carreno won second. Thank you to the members of our PTA!

4th Graders Learn About First Responders

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

4th Grade students at Goshen are learning about first responders in the Rad Kids program. It is so important that students know what firefighters in full fire gear looks like. Kids will sometimes hide from firefighters because the gear they wear as protection can look scary. Hopefully, this lowers levels of concern and helps prevent tragedy if there ever is a fire in one of our student's lives. Special thanks to Mr. Despain for bringing in the gear and to Bryton for modeling for the class.