Title 1 Preschool Coming to Goshen School!

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Goshen School will be offering a preschool for the 2017-2018 school year.  It is open to 4 year olds that live in our Title 1 boundaries.  You must attend a preschool prescreen to be considered.  The prescreen process will take place tomorrow (April 21st) at Taylor School in Payson.  You will need to set up an appointment for your prescreen by calling Taylor elementary at 801-465-6050.  

Soul Hope Service Project

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Goshen School has been given the opportunity to participate in a service project for the group Soul Hope.  Soul Hope helps the children and people in Uganda fight against Jiggers.  Jiggers are parasites that dig into the feet of the people who live there.  There are many health implications and social stigma as a result of these parasites.  We will be asking for used jean donations (jeans only).  The jeans are used to make shoes and protect the people's feet infected by Jiggers.

Sixth Grade Track Meet

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

The sixth grade participated in their track meet on Tuesday.  They did a great job, and had lots of fun!  We had many students that went on to the semi-finals, and the relay team came in a close second place in their heat!  Great job guys!

Visit From Clark Planetarium

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

The 4th, 5th and 6th grades were treated with a visit from Clark Planetarium on Friday.  The presenter showed the kids how fun science can be!  They were able to help in different science experiments in each grades science subjects.  After his initial presentation, the 6th grade had the opportunity to have some extra time with him, where he talked and discussed the reason for Earth's season's, and how to find different consetellations in the night sky.

Fourth Grade Gets a Visit From KSL 5's Weatherman

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Goshen's 4th graders had a great opportunity to be visited by Dan Guthrie, one of KSL's weathermen.  4th grade science includes learning about Utah's ecosystems and weather, and who better to talk about those things than the local weatherman?  They had the opportunity to ask him questions that ranged from weather-related questions to questions about how to work with a green screen, and what it's like to be on television.  They also had their picture shown on the news.

March Ambassadors of the Month

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

March's Ambassadors of the Month were chosen for Cooperation!  A huge thanks goes out to these student for cooperating with their teachers, the staff and their peers!

We also recognized the students at Goshen School that had perfect attendance for Term 3.  Great job kids!  It takes a lot of dedication to be at school every day we are in session!

Education Fair Winners

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Goshen School had its annual Education Fair on March 29th.  The projects that were submitted were all great!  The winners were:


* 1st Grade:

    *1st place: Jacob Burningham

*2nd Grade:

    *1st Place: Megan Perry

    *2nd Place: Ashlyn Jasperson

    *3rd Place: Parker Faulkner

*3rd Grade:

    *1st Place: Kason Huntington

*4th Grade:

    *1st Place: Christian Voran

    *2nd Place: Ashley Burningham

Book Fair

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

We are having the last book fair of the year, this week.  All books are Buy One Get One Free!!!  It is the perfect time to stock up on some new summer reading material.  It is open before school (8:30-9:00), during lunch and on Wednesday night during the Education Fair (5:30-7:00 pm).  

Kindergarten Registration

Submitted by krista.openshaw on


Kindergarten Registration for the 2017-2018 school year will be held on Tuesday, March 14th from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  Please bring your kindergartener with you.  We will do an academic prescreening while you are completing the registration forms.