Picture Day is Coming!

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Monday, September 25th will be Goshen's Picture Day.  Picture Packets have been sent home, please check backpacks for those.  If your student is not able to be here on Monday, there will be a retake day in the future.

Half Day Monday

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Don't forget that Monday is our first half day of the year.  ALL students will be excused from school at NOON.  (AM Kindergarten will run at their usual time, PM Kindergarten will not come this day.)  Lunch will be served, but please be aware that if your child orders a lunch that day, and then decides at lunch time to just eat at home, their account will be charged your family's lunch price whether they eat or not.

Where is Spirit Wednesday?

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Welcome to our first Where is Spirit Wednesday?  Based on this picture, can you figure out where Spirit's first visit was?  If you think you know, fill out the entry form in the office by Friday morning, and one lucky person who guesses correctly will win a prize!

Goshen School Welcomes the NOVA Program

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Goshen School is so excited to bring the NOVA program to our sixth graders!  The NOVA program is based on the principles of Nurturing Opportunities, Values and Accountability.  It is presented by local law enforcement, and we are lucky to have Deputy Taylor from the Utah County Sheriff's Office teaching our students how to Illuminate the Path to Excellence.  The NOVA program will be held every Friday afternoon until December, when the students will have a special NOVA Graduation to acknowledge their excellence in the program.

Grandparent's Day a Smash!

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

A HUGE thanks goes out to all of the grandparents that came and read to their grandchildren last week.  The kids enjoyed having some special time to sit and listen to their grandparents read them a story, and have a special treat with them.  It was a fun time, and the kids loved it!  Thanks to the PTA for funding Grandparent's Day!

Meet Our Mascot...

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

We would like to officially introduce our Mascot, Spirit the Falcon, to our school!  We had a contest to name him, and the school picked the name Spirit, which is the perfect name for our school mascot!  

1st Grade Parents and Pastries

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

We are excited to announce that we are going to be doing Parents and Pastries again this year!  We will be starting with the 1st Graders this year.  Parents will meet in the library on Monday, September 11th at 1:45.  Please bring your favorite picture book to share with a group of children.

Grandparents Day

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Tomorrow marks Goshen's Grandparent's Day!  We are so excited to have Grandparents come and see our school!  The students will have the opportunity to listen to their grandparents read to them.  The activity starts at 9:30 and will go until 10:00 (PM Kindergarten's grandparents will come from 2:45-3:10)  The PTA will be providing a treat at the end of the activity.  

Upcoming Dates to Remember

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

School is off to a GREAT start!  Here are some important dates coming up in September that you will want to remember:

9/7-Room Mother's Tea 3:30 in the Library

9/8-Grandparents Day

9/11-1st Grade Parents and Pastries

9/18-Early Out Day--School is out at NOON

9/21-Dental Varnashing

9/25-Picture Day

Watch our Website for more information as these dates get closer!