Music is in the Air!

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

For the next few weeks, you might see a new face around...or hear some piano being played before school! Meet Laura Brockbank! She's a Music Integration coach working with Nebo School District and the Beverly Taylor Sorenson Arts Program. This means that for the next 7 weeks, she will be working with our teachers on using music to teach other subjects (like math, spelling, writing, science etc.) She is very excited to be at our school!

Teacher Appreciation Week

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Teacher Appreciation Week is next week (May 1st - 5th) and the PTA has a lot planned for our teachers. If you would like to have your students show appreciation to their teachers during this week, the PTA have come up with some simple ways that they can show it every day:

Monday: Wear Your Teacher's Favorite Color

Tuesday: Bring Your Teacher Their Favorite Treat

Wednesday: Bring Your Teacher a School Supply

Thursday: Write Your Teacher a Kind Note

Friday: Dress as a Super Hero

Goshen Students Celebrate Our Secretaries

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

April 26th was Secretary's Day, and we have the BEST secretaries that run our school. The students celebrated Mrs. Oberg and Mrs. Wells all day by writing notes, giving gifts and heart-attacking the office. We love our secretaries, and our school wouldn't run as smoothly if not for them. Thanks Mrs. Oberg and Mrs. Wells for everything you do for our school!

Kindergarten Take a Field Trip

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

This week our kindergarten students went to visit the farm at Thanksgiving Point! They saw many familiar animals; goats, cows, and chickens. They were able to see some new animals too; a donkey named Bingo and a couple peacocks! 

A special thanks to all of our parent (and grandparent) volunteers for helping make this adventure happen!

Kindergarten has a Fiesta

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

The kindergarten classes have been counting down to summer using the alphabet. Each day they have an activity based on a letter of the alphabet. For their F day countdown they had a Fiesta. Some of the moms come in and taught them how to make Salsa. A huge THANK YOU goes out to all of the parents who are always willing to come in and help with classes! The teachers definitely appreciate it!

Spring Break 2023

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Next week, Nebo School District will have our Spring Break. There will be NO SCHOOL from Monday April 3rd through Friday April 7th. We hope everyone has a fun and safe break!