Utah Resilience Month

Submitted by l.degraffenried on

Dear Parents,

Governor Gary R. Herbert has declared May 2020 as Utah Resilience Month.  This week is also teacher Appreciation Week.  He has asked principals to forward his message

Tribute Video In Honor of Our Education Heroes, with a special message from Governor Gary R. Herbert


We send our heart-felt thanks for all you do! 

The Resilient Utah Team 

Falcon Pride Award for April

Submitted by l.degraffenried on

Our Falcon Pride Award for April goes to all the wonderful parents, grandparents and guardians that help our students with At Home Learning!!!

Thank you for all of your patience and support as we have learned to navigate a new way of learning.  You make the difference in your students lives!!!



We Miss You!

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

What a great surprise we had when we came in today and saw so many sweet messages of support from our parents and students! Thanks so much!