Thank You PTA!!!

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Last week was the last week of Hispanic Heritage Month, and the PTA provided a DELICIOUS lunch for the teachers! We were treated to Mole, Tres Leches cake, Chips and Pico de Gallo, Tacos, Bean dip, Home made refried beans (two varieties), Salsa, Sopa fria, Birria, Amarillito, Salsa and chips, Red Rice, and wonderful Hispanic candy. We know how much time it takes to volunteer to provide food, help in our classes and donate your time, and the teachers and staff would like all of our parents know that it is truly appreciated! 

Health & Safety Fair

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

We had another successful Health and Safety Fair last week. The kids love being able to interact with all of the things that the Sheriff's office brings, and it is a highlight of the year. They always go the extra mile by staying after school and allowing families to come learn about the things that the different departments and companies have to offer also. We want to thank the Utah County Sheriff's Office, along with Deputy Dutson for always putting together a great activity! 

PTA Fundraiser

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Our wonderful PTA is doing a fundraiser in November to earn some money for our school and could use some donations. They will be hosting a movie night on November 13th (movie to still be determined). At the movie, they will be selling drinks, nachos and popcorn, along with bags of apples from our local orchards. Mr. Atkin will also be doing face painting again. There will also be a silent auction for baskets put together by each grade. This is where your donations come in. Each grade has picked a basket theme that they need filled. 

Basket Themes:

Flu Shot Clinic

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Do you need your flu shot? The Utah County Health Department will be holding a flu shot clinic at our school today, October 17th from 3:30-5:30. They will have flu, high-dose flu, and flu mist available. They are not bringing Covid boosters. 

Our 4th Grade Royalty

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

4th graders became royalty yesterday as they embarked on their journey into the Middle Ages. For the next few weeks they will be studying the medieval times through reading, writing and various activities. To kick it off, students found castle murals in their rooms and had fun personalizing crowns to wear during their Middle Ages lessons each day. They may also be seen silently riding their imaginary horses through the halls from time to time. 

Mrs. Haines' Class Learns an Important Lesson Through Reading

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

To start the year, Mrs. Haines and her class read the book "Fish in a Tree". This book taught such a great message about friendship, accepting others, and being kind since we never know what someone is going through in their life. After they read the book, they made friendship bracelets for their friends, and each student got a piece of a picture and made it their own. The pieces also flip up to reveal a writing piece from each student on their thoughts on the book.

3rd Graders Become Bridge Builders

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

The third grade classes had an exciting STEM project to design and complete!  The students worked with partners to design a gum drop bridge out of gum drops (or Dots in our case) and toothpicks.  They were tasked to create a bridge that could hold the most amount of weight without crashing.  Each partnership worked hard, used creativity, and showed persistence as they designed, tried out, and then altered their bridges.  Here are some pictures from each class!