Goshen's Turkey Strut Competition

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Goshen Elementary likes to celebrate Thanksgiving each year by having a turkey strut competition.  Students in each class are chosen to go against other students in the school showing their best turkey gobble, strut, or a combination of both.  This year two students won turkeys for having the best overall turkey performance.  A few teachers were lucky enough to give it a try this year and fifth-grade teacher, Mr. Nate Holt won a turkey for his performance!


Utah Native American Projects

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Students in Miss Samantha Jensen's fourth-grade class learned about some of the Utah Native American tribes that once lived in Utah.  Each student did research on one of the tribes and created a model of that tribe's dwelling.  Students were excited to present their projects to the class as they shared new information they learned.

The Utah Symphony Performs for the Fourth Graders

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Fourth graders at Goshen Elementary recently attended a performance put on by the Utah Symphony at Salem Hills High.  The students were excited when they heard a few familiar songs played by the symphony.  They were able to see what instruments were used to put together the songs.  Students even got up and marched in place to one of the marches played by the performers.  Thanks to the Utah Symphony for performing for students in Nebo District.

Sixth grade keyboarding

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Sixth-grade students at Goshen Elementary just finished a six week typing program.  The students practiced each day to improve their typing skills and speed.  The fastest typers are Carson Bateman with 75 words per minute and Nathan Staheli with 60 words per minute.  Nice work sixth graders!

Goshen's Food Drive

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Students at Goshen Elementary collected food for the local food bank.  Students were glad to share what they had at home to help others in need.  Charity Pieper said, "The food drive is a very good activity, especially around Thanksgiving so we can be thankful.  I am glad we have this program and can help people in need."  Each classroom collected food for a week and the student council came around to each room and gathered all the food to distribute to families in the area.  Thanks to all those who donated items for the food drive!


Goshen's Fourth-grade Paleontologists

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The fourth-grade students at Goshen Elementary spent time as Paleontologists studying many different Utah fossils. The Museum on the Move came and visited the students and allowed them to see many of the fossils they have at the museum. The students had a great time exploring, observing, wondering, and making inferences about plants and animals from Utah's past.

Water Cycle Experiment

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Students in Miss Samantha Jensen's fourth grade class at Goshen Elementary have been learning about the water cycle and weather.  They made water cycle models and have been enjoying seeing the water cycle work inside their bottles.  Students had to cut their grass since they were receiving so much precipitation inside their bottles.

Winners Don't Do Drugs!

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During Red Ribbon Week at Goshen Elementary students wore their favorite sports team colors to show that they are winners and don't do drugs.  Students were reminded of all the other things they can do instead of drugs.  Goshen students are staying drug free!

Third Grade Catapults

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Students in Mrs. Margaret Allinson’s and Mrs. Audy Lott’s third-grade class have been learning about force and motion. Each student was asked to make a catapult at home with no real specific instructions given on what it had to look like.  Students were creative and made catapults using legos, rocks, spoons, sticks, rulers or even squash.