Box Top Wars

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Box Top Wars is happening this week!  Send those box tops in with your students no later than FRIDAY!  There will be a prize given to the class with the most box tops turned in!  This is a GREAT way for our school to get money, so send them in!

Winter Kindness Carnival

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

The students at Goshen School were rewarded for all of their hard work and kind deeds they did during Kindness Week with a fun carnival.  There were lots of winter themed fun and games.  We also had 7th graders from the local Jr. Highs visiting for their job shadows who helped with the games.  We would like to thank these students and our awesome technicians for helping running the carnival.  The kids had lots of fun!

Goshen's Kindness Tree

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Last week, during our kindness week, the students were asked to write just one kind thing that they did during the week, and we used them to make our kindness tree.  We had so many kind things done by our students, that the "leaves" have started taking over the wall by the lunch room!  We have such a great school, and such great students!  Thanks for being so kind to one another!