Teacher Tuesday

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Meet Mrs. Haines, one of our 5th grade teachers! This is her third year teaching at Goshen School, and she says that she LOVES it!  She and her husband just built a home in Santaquin. She said she is blessed to have the most supportive husband, Peter. He is in his final semester of school to become a journeyman plumber. They also just welcomed their baby girl, Emery, a year ago. Mrs. Haines says that Emery is the most feisty/stubborn thing you'll ever meet.

Our 4th Graders Needs Your Help

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

The 4th graders a Goshen Elementary are doing a donation drive for S.U.V.A.S Animal Shelter. We are accepting donations October 4th - 13th. Both classes will then take a field trip to the Animal Shelter to present the donations gathered to the animals being housed there. 

The following are items that are currently needed at the shelter:

Teacher Tuesday

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Meet Mr. Atkin. He is our new principal here at Goshen School. He has been with us for a short 3 months, and has been working on learning all of the kids' names. He is hoping to know everyone by Thanksgiving (he is doing a GREAT job!) He lives in Payson with his beautiful wife and 5 kids. According to Mr. Atkin, they are all kind of nerdy, just like him.

Teacher Tuesday

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Ms. Bradley is our Resource teacher here at Goshen School, and his is her second year teaching here. She lives in Springville with her two sons Nicholas, 21 and Donnie, 25. 

In her spare time, she likes to do genealogy, reading and just spending time with her family. One fun fact about Ms. Bradley is that she weighed 13 lbs. 10 oz. when she was born and jokes that that's the reason she is the youngest in her family!

Teacher Tuesday

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

This is Mrs. Norton. She is one of our 4th grade teachers, and has worked at Goshen School for 13 years. She lives in Goshen with her husband and her two daughters. She has been married to her husband Tyler for going on 15 years. They have two beautiful daughters, Hadlee age 9 and Cierra age 6.