Grandparents and Goodies a huge Success

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Last Thursday we had a fun activity after school during our book fair for adults to come with their students to look through the fair and enjoy some stories and a donut with their loved ones. We had a lot of families come out and really appreciate the support from the community. A HUGE thank you goes out to the PTA who runs our book fairs every year and was an integral part of our event. 

Teacher Tuesday

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Mrs. Brockbank is our new 4th grade teacher. This is her second year teaching, and her first here at Goshen School. She lives in Spanish Fork with her husband. She was born and raised in Ohio and is the oldest of 4 children.

During her free time, she likes to play golf with her husband, bake and binge crime shows on television. She also likes crafts, but especially paper crafts and digital art.

A couple of things that you might not know about Mrs. Brockbank is that she has a black belt in Tae Kwon Do and she knows American Sign Language.

Teacher Tuesday

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

This week we are going to meet one of our amazing 3rd grade teachers, Mrs. Barber. Mrs. Barber has taught 3rd grade at our school for 7 years. She lives in Payson with her family. She is married and has 3 children, Cameron who is in 9th grade, Lydia who is in 7th grade, and of course Grady who is in 3rd grade, and is in his mom's class this year! Mrs. Barber grew up in a pretty big family. There were SIX kids in her family!


Grandparents and Goodies

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

This Thursday, November 18th from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM, the school will be hosting "Grandparents and Goodies". This is an opportunity for grandparents to bring their grandchildren to the school to listen to books being read, have a donut and visit the book fair. It's important for the adults in children's lives to show them how important reading is, and this is a great time to do that!