Grandma Lola and Chatwin

Submitted by ts on

Goshen Elementary would like to congratulate Grandma Lola and Grandma Chatwin.  On Wednesday, September 16 they were honored at a luncheon for being in the volunteer grandparent program.  Grandma Lola received a plaque for 10 years of service and Grandma Chatwin has been volunteering for 19 years.  They have helped many students at Goshen Elementary and are greatly

Summer Packet Extravaganza

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The Summer Packet Extravaganza is a reward for those students who complete a math, reading, and writing packet for their grade level.  This year the students got to jump in jumping houses, cruise down blow-up slides, joust in a blow-up cage, golf, play basketball, have three-legged races, waltz around numbers to music, and dunk teachers in a dunking tank.  It was quite the "Extravaganza".  Congratulations to all of those students who worked extremely hard to complete their summer packet!

EARS for Fluency

Submitted by ts on

Denise Ray is the new literacy specialist at Goshen Elementary.  She has been going around the classrooms teaching students what it means to use fluency in their reading.  Pictured is a student wearing large ears to remind students to use their EARS (Expression, Accuracy, Rate, and Smoothness) while reading.

Mr. Welburn doubled

Submitted by ts on

Goshen Elementary is participating in the Road to Success program again this year.  Last year the school set a goal to read 1.5 million minutes.  They reached this goal by the end of the year.  At an assembly recently Mr. Welburn, the principal, had the students thinking he was a magician when he disappeared behind a curtain and showed up on the other side right away.