Winners Don't Do Drugs!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

During Red Ribbon Week at Goshen Elementary students wore their favorite sports team colors to show that they are winners and don't do drugs.  Students were reminded of all the other things they can do instead of drugs.  Goshen students are staying drug free!

Third Grade Catapults

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Students in Mrs. Margaret Allinson’s and Mrs. Audy Lott’s third-grade class have been learning about force and motion. Each student was asked to make a catapult at home with no real specific instructions given on what it had to look like.  Students were creative and made catapults using legos, rocks, spoons, sticks, rulers or even squash.  

Pirate Scavenger Hunt

Submitted by ts on

Recently the Kindergartners at Goshen Elementary celebrated Pirate day. They dressed up in their pirate attire for the day. The students participated in a mapping activity by going on a scavenger hunt to find the hidden treasure.

Grandma Lola and Chatwin

Submitted by ts on

Goshen Elementary would like to congratulate Grandma Lola and Grandma Chatwin.  On Wednesday, September 16 they were honored at a luncheon for being in the volunteer grandparent program.  Grandma Lola received a plaque for 10 years of service and Grandma Chatwin has been volunteering for 19 years.  They have helped many students at Goshen Elementary and are greatly