Soil Fun at Goshen

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Mrs. Samantha Peckham's fourth grade class at Goshen Elementary was excited to have Mrs. Belva Parr from the Utah Farm Bureau come in and do a soil art activity. Her granddaughter, Caitlyn Parr, is in the class and entered a writing contest sponsored by Utah Farm Bureau, with each county having their own contest for students in grades 3-8. The theme was "A Day In The Life Of A Farmer." Caitlyn used facts and information she knows about farms and won first place. She received a money award and this fun activity for her class.

Goshen's Kindy 500

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This is one of the stops kindergarten students at Goshen Elementary School made in the annual Kindy 500. The Kindy 500 is not really a race, but rather a tour of the school with famous American people, symbols, and sites to visit along the way. Students in this picture are from Mrs. Lori Staheli's kindergarten class studying and then making the American Flag. Other famous sights were a stuffed bald eagle, the Statue of Liberty, Abraham Lincoln, and Betsy Ross.

Spirit Day at Goshen

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Here is this week's School Spirit contest winner at Goshen Elementary School. It's Mrs. Audy Lott's and Mrs. Margaret Allinson's third grade class that won this time. With 27 students, you may think that this is the whole class. Actually, six students including the teacher were missing when this picture was taken. The contest is based on how many students are wearing the school colors of blue and gold. With all of those students, it's no wonder they won.

Reader's Theatre at Goshen

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Goshen Falcons from Mrs. Hilary Dyreng's 1st grade class perform Reader's Theatre performances last week. This was good practice for their reading fluency. Students enjoyed painting their settings and performing in their groups. Performances included: The Three Pesky Pigs, Old McDonald's Family Picture, Goldilocks and the Bears, Little Bo-Peep, and Almost Carrot Stew.

Dr. Seuss Day at Goshen

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

If it looks like you are seeing a lot of Dr. Seuss' Thing 1 and Thing 2, you are. In fact, there is a Thing 3 and Thing 4, clear up to Thing 29. Why were all of the "Things" in Mrs. Samantha Peckham's fourth grade classroom? It was Dr. Seuss Day at Goshen Elementary School last week in celebration of the good doctor's birthday.