Jose Vazquez Makes Reading History

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Everyone knows the first book printed with movable type was by Gutenburg.  He printed the Holy Bible.  Who read the first e-book on-line at Goshen Elementary?  You may not know that it is Jose Vazquez.  Jose was selected for the honor because he checks more books out of the school library than anyone else (his mom tells him she wants him "to read and read some more") and because he has a computer at home.  Goshen Elementary has just acquired a "shelf" of e-books for their library.  The number one advantage is that students can read them on their iPads and

Amazing Tutor is Helping One Child at a Time

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     Mike Christensen used to have grandchildren at Goshen Elementary.  Then he would come on a regular basis and help in the classrooms where his grandchildren learned.  Now the grandchildren are grown, but Grandpa Christensen still comes every Tuesday to help the rest of the students at Goshen Elementary.  He's been doing this for 8 years.     With Grandpa Christensen's beard of white, when he wears his Santa hat at Christmas time, quite a few heads turn in his direction to see if he is really Santa Claus checking for good boys and girls.&

January Citizens of the Month

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The citizens of the month for January at Goshen Elementary are Ryann Thornton, Caleb Spencer, Payden Sorensen, Heidy Varela, Lindy Hampton, Mclayne Balzly, Brylee Oldroyd, Layne Osborn, Sky Simmons, Kaylyn Eastwood, Conner Raven, James Baum, Raquel Black, Adrian Rodriquez, Chelise Tromble, Alexys Palmer, Kelby Grill, Caden Eastwood, Carson Lavery, and Anna Wood.  The theme for the month was cooperation. These students can always be counted on to cooperate when working with others.

Spirit Day at Goshen

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Goshen Elementary PTA sponsored their monthly spirit day by having students wear their school colors or school shirts.  Mrs. Renee Davis' second grade class won the traveling spirit trophy for having the highest percentage in her class participate in the contest.  The trophy is a wooden statue of a falcon, the school's mascot.

Gage Penrod Takes a Victory Lap

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Roads to Success reading winner, Gage Penrod, son of Clint and Emily Penrod of Genola, won a new bike in a drawing at Goshen Elementary School.  In the picture above, Gage is riding his new bike through the halls of the school in a "Victory Lap" cheered on by his class mates and other students in the school.  Gage's ticket was chosen from thousands of tickets that were placed in a drawing.  Students earned tickets for every hundred minutes that they spent reading during the last term.  Goshen students have recorded over 726,000 minutes of reading so far th