Water Issues

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

We just want to thank the parents and students of Goshen Elementary for being patient last week while we had sand in our water system here at the school.  We provided bottled water for everyone while the issue was taken care of.  We just wanted everyone to know that the lines have been completely flushed out, and the water no longer has sand in it.  Thank you again for your patience.

Students learn the importance of R.E.D.

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

On Monday, students attended an assembly and learned about the importance of R.E.D. (Read Every Day).  They will be keeping track of their reading minutes and recording them in computers every week.  They made personal reading goals and class reading goals to help them with their reading.  Mrs. DeGraffenried also talked to them about Having a Plan and beginning with the end in mind.  The student counsel picked students from the audience and they were asked to make a circle, a square and a playground out of legos.

Congratulations Miss Brinkerhoff!!!

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

A huge congratulations goes out to Miss Brinkerhoff.  She submitted a grant to the Nebo Foundation for new books for her Kindergarteners and received $320.  This is an awesome opportunity for her students to reveive some much needed books.  Thank you Miss Brinkerhoff for caring for your students!

Mr. Carter's Kitchen

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

On Tuesday morning, Goshen's lunch manager, Mrs. Woodland, was attending some district meetings, so Mr. Carter took over and served the kids breakfast.  Hmmm...does he have a new profession in his future?  What do you think?  Thanks to Mr. Carter for EVERYTHING he does for our school!