Don't Forget!

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Don't forget that school gets out at noon on Monday.  The teachers have meeting to attend the second half of the day, so please be prompt in picking up your children.  Lunch will be served an hour earlier than normal.  Your child is welcome to eat lunch when they get home, but if they sign up for school lunch on Monday, they will need to pay for it.

Success for the Fifth Grade

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Fifth grade exercised "Unity" by learning to work together and collaborate in a group.  Their goal on the first activity was to direct each member, one at a time, while being blindfolded to find their shoe.  Afterwards, they discussed what was the most difficult part of the task and what they could've done to be more successful.  The groups were then given the task of untying themselves from a "human knot" without letting go of each others hands!  SUCCESS! 

Monica Valerio

Just a Reminder

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Please remember that Early out Day is on Monday this year, not Wednesday!  School will get out at 2:30.  The teachers have weekly meetings that they attend after school on this day, so if you pick your kids up, please be prompt.  Help spread the word to your friends and neighbors.  

Thank You!

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

We just want to give a huge thank you to all of the parents, students and teachers that made the first week back a great one!  Thanks to all of the parents and students that came out to our Open House on Monday to meet your new teachers, and those that came to Back to School Night and the barbecue that followed on Thursday.  We also want to give a HUGE shout out to our teachers and staff that worked so hard to have everything ready for our students this year.

Bus Route Information

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Bus Route Information is available today.  You can follow the link provided, or find it at under the "Parents" tab, then under "Bus Route Finder".