Turkey Gobble and Strut Assembly

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Today we had our annual Turkey Gobble and Strut assembly at school.  Two students from each class were voted to represent a gobbler and a strutter, and then competed against each other during the assembly.  We have some great turkeys roaming the halls at Goshen Elementary, but this year, the winners were Ira Palfreyman from Ms. Adam's Fourth Grade class, who won the strutting contest, and Owen Cottle from Mr. Proctor's Fifth Grade class, who won the gobble contest.  Congratulations to these two boys, and good job to all of our participants!

Veteran's Day Program a Huge Success

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

We would like to thank the second and sixth grade classes for the great Veteran's Day Assembly that they performed on Friday.  They presented the assembly for the student body on Friday morning, and then invited their parents and the Veteran's in our community to come enjoy the program on Friday night.  It was well attended, and there were many tears shed as they paid tribute to those that have, and still do, fight for our country.  Many of our favorite patriotic songs were sung, along with a few new favorites.

4th Grade Parents and Pastries

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

It's that time again!  Fourth Grade's Parents and Pastries will be held next Monday, November 21st at 1:45 pm in the library.  If you have a 4th grader, you are invited to bring your favorite picture book (or a chapter from your favorite novel) to read to a group of students.  Watch for a reminder to come home later this week.  We love having parents read to our students!  It shows them how important reading is, and that it can be fun!

First Grade Zero Hero Day

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Goshen School's First Graders made shirts that they get to wear on Zero Hero Day, which is every tenth day of school.  Remember, if you have a first grader, remember to send them to school in their Zero Hero shirts on Zero Hero Day!  (Look for reminders on your student's weekly newsletter!)

Congratulations To Mrs. Stahlei

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

We would like to congratulate our librarian, Mrs. Stahlei, for applying for and receiving a grant through the Nebo Foundation!  She received $400 to buy new books for our school library!  Goshen School is so lucky to have her as our librarian!  Thanks, Mrs. Staheli, for watching out for all of the students at our school!