Principal's 200 Club Meets

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

We were ablet to have a Principal's 200 Club meeting this week.  The students are able to earn rewards, and the chance to be put into a drawing for a special activity with Mrs. DeGraffenried for doing good things around school.  This week the Club met and made Graham Cracker Gingerbread Houses.  They sure turned out cute!  A "Good Job" goes out to all of those students that received the Principal's 200 Award!  Keep up the good work!

SEP's this Thursday

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Please remember that SEP's is this Thursday (December 1).  Don't forget to schedule your meetings with your teachers using the Sign Up Genius link found below.  Without a scheduled time, there's a high chance you won't be able to meet with your teacher.