Where is Spirt?

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

We've missed Spirit last week, and because this week is so short, he decided to visit early!  Where is he?  Stop by the office today and tomorrow and fill out the entry form for a chance to win a prize!  Winners will be announced Wednesday before school is out.

National School Lunch Week

Submitted by l.degraffenried on

It is National School Lunch Week (Oct 9-13)!  OUr fabulous lunch ladies have planned a few contests, including a coloring contest to celebrate!  They have fun prizes for the winners (to be announced on Friday).  

Parents are invited to choose one day to eat lunch with their student(s) during this week! ($2.00 preschoolers and $4.00 Adults)


Goshen Celebrates National Walk To School Day

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Goshen School celebrated National Walk to School Day today.  Spirit the Falcon, Goshen Mayor Fred Jensen, Deputy Poulsen from the Utah County Sheriff and Mrs. DeGraffenried all welcomed our students at the crosswalk as they came to school.  We would like to give a HUGE thanks to Loretta Brailsford, our crossing guard, who makes sure our students cross the highway safely on their way to and from school every day.