Mr. Hunt's Class Revolts!

Submitted by krista.openshaw on
In learning about revolutions, Mr. Hunt's class had an activity where they created different styles of catapults. Students worked in groups to try and design a catapult that would launch the farthest and be consistent. Many different styles and variations were tried to come up with the perfect catapult. Their catapults were then put to the test in battle. They were placed on opposite sides of a "battlefield" and had to launch past the markers on the other teams side.  This is part of an ongoing effort of Mr.
Greg Hunt

Penny Wars

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

Our annual Penny Wars battle is happening this week!  Students can bring pennies, silver coins or dollar bills to donate to the cause.  The money donated will be used to help provide Christmas to local families in need this year.

Holiday Food Drive

Submitted by krista.openshaw on

We are holding our annual Holiday Food Drive this week!  We are accepting food, cleaning or hygiene items this year.  Students will just drop the donations off at the Student Council Donation Table, where if they donate 5 or more items, the student council will give them a token for the token tower in the office.  All donations will be donated to local families in need this holiday season.