PTA Movie Night a Success!

Submitted by krista.openshaw on
PTA Movie Night
Mr. Atkin Painting faces
Mr. Atkin's family helping out
Mr. Atkin's family helping out
Mr. Atkin's family helping out
Awesome Face Paint
Awesome Face Paint
Awesome Face Paint
Awesome Face Paint

Our PTA put on a great party Monday night. Parents and students had a great time. The PTA was able to sell out almost everything they brought and we got to visit and build our Goshen family ties. Mr. Atkin brought his wife and five kids to help with the face painting and they were busy all evening brightening the smiles of students in the school. It was a super fun activity. We want to thank the PTA for their support of the school and the Parents for Supporting our PTA. It truly is an oasis out here in Goshen. "One Home One Family"