March 2010

How's Your Seuss Language?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Students in Mrs. Norton’s 4th grade had fun making their own crazy Dr. Seuss creatures. They worked hard in groups to create a character out of random objects and art supplies brought from home. Once their creature was complete, they gave it a creative name and wrote a short poem about it using zany words! The characters pictured from left to right are: The Skinkle Finkle Whinkle Deww, The One Eyed Spotted Vandooper Scooper, The Fattalicka Smicka Ticka, The Squishy Ishy Wshon Bug, The Picture Micture Ficture Taking Freek, and The Zookady Flukady Been!


Carrie Norton

Chess Tournament

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

On March 6, the Nebo School District put on a chess tournament for elementary students.  Goshen Elementary student, Devon Lopez, attended the chess tournament. He competed in the third grade division and won 2nd place.