One Home, One Family

Submitted by krista.openshaw on
Boys playing football
Boys playing football


Goshen school is such a great place to be. The other day I was out supervising during recess time and I noticed something that makes me proud to be a Falcon. We have a new family at our school but there is something special about their son. He is in a wheelchair. Any time you are new to a school you worry about fitting in and making friends. It is the same for adults. I know our new family felt the same way. 

During recess I noticed the boys that play football had added a new quarterback. I know it completely changed the game for those boys, but they were happy to do it. They included the new boy and were making him an integral part of the game. I am proud of our students being able to look beyond differences and including someone who really needed to feel part of our Goshen Family. 

I am amazed and proud of these boys. I thought that perhaps they were doing it because the teacher asked them to. She was very clear that she didn’t ask them to do anything of the sort. She was as proud of those boys as I am. 

In school kids learn many important things. Students learn to read and write, but these boys have learned something even more important. They have learned to be caring, to include others, to be kind. I am grateful to be a part of this school and all of the amazing things that happen here.


Ben Atkin