Recorders at Goshen

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This year Mrs. Valerie Corlett, the music specialist at Goshen Elementary, started the year off with the fourth graders learning how to play the recorder.  The students have been very excited to learn how to play their first two notes on their new instruments.  For some of them it is their first instrument to play.   Soon they will be playing "Hot Cross Buns.”  The students at Goshen are looking forward to playing all kinds of instruments this year.

Goshen's Summer Packet Extravaganza

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Each year Goshen students are asked to complete a summer packet.  The summer packet includes writing, math, and reading activities.  Those students that finish it get to go to the Summer Packet Extravaganza at the beginning of the next school year.  This year students had fun running around while eating snow cones, going on a slip and slide, winning cupcakes at the cake walk, and lots of other exciting activities. 

Ringing the Bell at Goshen

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The old bell at Goshen Elementary could be heard through town on the first day of school this year.  The school met Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) on their end of the year tests last spring and celebrated by having each student ring the bell.  Goshen is looking forward to a great year of teaching and learning.

Keyboarding at Goshen

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The fifth and sixth grade students at Goshen Elementary just finished their keyboarding classes.  The class was taught by Mr. Randy Bartholomew who had the students working toward goals this year.  Students were given candy, money, and gift cards based on the levels they reached in keyboarding.  The high scoring student, who reached Level 12 being able to type 80 words per minute, is Sidney Burrell.

Recorder Performance at Goshen

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The South Nebo Elementary PTA Council for their monthly visit came to Goshen Elementary.  The fourth graders performed some songs on their recorders.  They were directed by the music teacher, Mrs. Valerie Corlett who has been teaching them how to play a recorder this year.

Fourth Graders Visit Thanksgiving Point

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The fourth graders at Goshen Elementary went to the Children's Discovery Garden at Thanksgiving Point to explore what they have learned in science this year.  Students watched an experiment on how heat and pressure can change the form of a rock.  They also walked around and identified different rocks and animals in Utah.  Pictured are students in Mrs. Samantha Peckham's class as they created an animal that could adapt to the habitat and climate on a fictional planet they were given.

2011 Education Fair

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Each year Goshen Elementary has an Education Fair where students can explore and learn more about concepts that interest them. They may participate in Language Arts, Science, Math or Social Studies activities. The students are required to make a visual, showing what they did for their project.

Reading and Winning Bikes at Goshen

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This is what it looked like as first grade student Koy Isaacson, son of Dustin and Chelsie Isaacson of Goshen, finished his "victory lap" in the halls of Goshen Elementary School last week. Koy won the bicycle in a drawing of all of the students in the school that had been reading in Ken Garff's Road to Success reading program. Koy, a trick bicycle rider, was doing a maneuver called "Bunny Hops," as this picture was taken to celebrate the season and being chosen for the new bike.

Soil Fun at Goshen

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Mrs. Samantha Peckham's fourth grade class at Goshen Elementary was excited to have Mrs. Belva Parr from the Utah Farm Bureau come in and do a soil art activity. Her granddaughter, Caitlyn Parr, is in the class and entered a writing contest sponsored by Utah Farm Bureau, with each county having their own contest for students in grades 3-8. The theme was "A Day In The Life Of A Farmer." Caitlyn used facts and information she knows about farms and won first place. She received a money award and this fun activity for her class.

Goshen's Kindy 500

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This is one of the stops kindergarten students at Goshen Elementary School made in the annual Kindy 500. The Kindy 500 is not really a race, but rather a tour of the school with famous American people, symbols, and sites to visit along the way. Students in this picture are from Mrs. Lori Staheli's kindergarten class studying and then making the American Flag. Other famous sights were a stuffed bald eagle, the Statue of Liberty, Abraham Lincoln, and Betsy Ross.