Thank You Principal Jim Welburn

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Recently, Goshen Elementary found out that Principal Jim Welburn will be transferring to Salem Elementary next year.  Goshen wants to thank their principal for all his hard work and dedication over his four years of service.  

His dedication to students and their well-being is seen in his professional attitude and attention to detail.  Each of his decisions is made for the benefit of the students.  His focus on fostering a productive environment while maintaining a relationship with students is reflected in the time he spent allowing students to get to know him.

Each month students learned a little more about their principal as he shared some of his favorite picture books with them.  He developed a relationship with the students as he taught them lessons through books.  Students know the importance of reading through his example.  Students excitedly accepted his challenge of reading 2.5 million minutes as a school. In return he promised to dye his hair any color.  

Principal Welburn has also worked with the staff to build relationships where teachers can grow and work as a team.  He has helped teachers build their grade level collaboration teams with meetings every Wednesday afternoon.  He is always willing to come into classrooms and share ideas to help teachers succeed. He ensures that teachers understand what is expected of them as students learn and accomplish their individual goals.

Goshen Elementary is grateful for his hard work and dedicated service. The students and staff will miss him but know that Salem Elementary will benefit from his leadership. They also look forward to their new Principal, Garth Bird.